Durable Functions are Azure Functions that enable you to run stateful functions in a serverless environment without extra configuration cognitive overhead for the developer.
Durable Functions are significant easier to setup and run at a much lower cost compared to Azure Web Apps.
Durable Functions are built on top of the Durable Tasks Framework which enables the creation of long running workflows (known as orchestrations). The Durable Task Framework source code is available at https://github.com/Azure/durabletask.
The repo for these is at https://github.com/QED-DeveloperPortal/devportal-functions.
They are deployed from this repo via a GitHub Action in the devportal-functions Function App in the QED Azure Portal.
APIs are exposed via the URI https://devportal-functions.azurewebsites.net
APIs are secured by the same Microsoft Entra/AAD B2C configuration as used for the main DevPortal website.